Today I will:
- Show my understanding of vocabulary words in The Great Gatsby through on online, multiple choice quiz.
- Show my understanding of Ch. 4 in The Great Gatsby by acting out important scenes.
- Practice writing concessions after finding examples from "Driving to the Funeral"
- Work on outline of my Speech.
-HW: Vocab 3 Chart
Today's Agenda:
-Vocab 3 Quiz
-Finish -"Driving to the Funeral" - Assignment
-Work on Speech outline
-Begin reading Gatsby ch 5
-Work on Speech outline on Google Classroom - due to on Monday
-Finish reading chapter 5
On the quiz:
#14 'you' should be 'your'
#24 'to' should be 'too'
-Finish reading chapter 5
On the quiz:
#14 'you' should be 'your'
#24 'to' should be 'too'